Gora Coin – represented by its token ticker $GORA and spearheaded by the mysterious Mr Gora – is a Memecoin, GambleFi and AI token combined. It has been created for individuals passionate about cryptocurrency, cricket and community-driven passive earning. Coming Q4 2024!

Mr Gora


The Gora Coin brand is bright, fun, and makes people laugh! Our leader, Mr Gora, LOVES cricket. He spends his days in the Members Pavilion at Lord’s Cricket Ground sipping champagne and watching the best players in the world put bat on ball! BUT, he is also here to do a serious job: provide significant returns for the Gora Coin community.

It should be noted that Mr Gora has many high-level connections among betting syndicates around the world, particularly those in the $100 billion+ annual cricket betting industry. This is significant because syndicates invest huge amounts of money into data analysis, research, implement AI algorithms, and have inside information at the top level. This all ensures that their bets are highly profitable with an ROI of upto 500% per year! Betting syndicates and their huge success is not available to people who are not already very wealthy… until Gora Coin.

Launch Q1 2024 and focus on community building and generating significant ROI from cricket betting with our syndicate partners.

Use the ROI to buyback $CRICKET, burn $CRICKET, and distribute profits proportionately among holders.

Offer airdrops to holders who refer new $CRICKET fans.

Compound returns for holders by repeating the cycle again and again and again: the more tax revenue generated, the more buybacks, the more burns and the more bets!

Mr Gora intends to make the project a DAO, so the community can decide on how best to distribute the continued profits, and so The Gora can get back to watching cricket and drinking wine!


Total Supply: 1,983,000,000

Buy Tax - 5% Sell Tax - 10%

Buy Tax - 5%

Sell Tax - 10%

The total supply of Gora Coin is 1.983 billion tokens. This figure pays homage to the 1983 India World Cup-winning team and its captain, Kapil Dev. If you have not seen the film “83” yet, you will understand why Mr Gora loved this team and why he remembers their final match at Lord’s very clearly. Howzat!

Mr Gora has already reserved 35% of $GORA for the Gora Coin community, which is in addition to the returns that will be generated from syndicate betting collaboration, AI strategies, and investment in betting infrastructure. Gora Coin incentivises active participation and long-term commitment through these rewards.

Even before the token’s launch, Gora Coin has partnered with significant syndicates in Dubai and India. All $GORA holders will therefore be subject to the above taxes to fund several different ventures, such as: [1] an equity stake in a sports betting platform owned by syndicates, [2] sizeable cricket bets executed by Mr. Gora’s syndicate contacts, [3] the enhancement of existing syndicate AI algorithms to automate trading strategies, and [4] the development of our own AI trading algorithms, which will also help our holders to make more informed decisions in their own sports betting outside of Gora Coin.

Revenue from all this will then be spent on…

*Buybacks of $GORA
*Burning of $GORA
*Enhancing growth and value of $GORA, refining AI Strategies, various sponsorships

Quite simply: The bigger the Gora Coin community becomes, the bigger the investments and the bets will be, and the greater the value of $GORA for all holders!


Mr Gora’s world-class team boasts professionals from various domains across the globe, including: crypto, AI, computer science, marketing, betting, trading, and community management. 

The Gora Coin team are in the US, UK, UAE, France, Brazil and India among other countries.



Download Metamask [or your wallet of choice] either from the app store on your phone or the browser extension for desktop. Then add Base, a Coinbase-backed Ethereum L2, using the instructions here.


Have Ethereum in your wallet [if you don’t have any $ETH, you can buy directly inside Metamask, transfer from another wallet, or buy on an exchange and send it to your wallet]. Using the browser inside Metamask, go to brid.gg and connect your wallet on the Ethereum blockchain. Choose how much $ETH you would like to bridge from the ERC20 network to Base. Remember to leave enough for gas fees.


Connect to Uniswap. Go to app.uniswap.org using the browser inside your Metamask app or using Chrome if on desktop. Connect your wallet. Paste the $GORA token address into Uniswap, select $GORA, and confirm. When Metamask prompts you for a wallet signature, sign.


Swap $ETH for $GORA. There is a 5% Buy Tax and a 10% Sell Tax, so we suggest you increase your slippage to 6% and 12% respectively to be sure your transaction goes through. This is essential during times of market volatility. Remember to add the $GORA contract address to your Metamask for your tokens to show [using the “Import tokens” feature]! Welcome fellow $GORA Groupie!


Our goal is to:

Launch in Q4 2024 and focus on community building. In addition, we will generate significant ROI from cricket betting with our partners, as well as the partial acquisition of a betting platform, and investment in enhancing AI strategies.

Use the ROI from bets, the profit from our AI bots, and the revenue from the betting platform to buyback $GORA, burn $GORA, and distribute profits to enhance growth of our ecosystem.

Offer airdrops to holders who refer new $GORA fans. Employ various other strategies to drive adoption and use cases for $GORA. The "Community Incentives" pool of 35% of the total $GORA supply exists for a good reason;)

Compound returns for holders by repeating the cycle again and again and again: the more tax revenue generated, the more buybacks, the more burns and the more bets! When you have a compelling use case like Gora Coin does, the snowball effect that will take place is obvious.

Once Gora Coin is truly self-sustaining, Mr Gora intends to transition the project to a DAO, so the community can decide on how best to distribute the continued profits, can take full ownership, and so he can get back to his favourite things: watching cricket and sipping champagne!

